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Ordo Templi Orientis


The following text is reprinted from the U.S. Grand Lodge Website. Hidden Spring Oasis is the official O.T.O. body

of Northeast and Central Florida, and our goals on a local level are also defined by the following statements

by O.T.O. USA


The statements collected here — the Mission Statement, Program Synopsis, Vision Statement, and Values Statement — summarize the nature, purpose, and direction of U.S. Grand Lodge. Together, they form the basis for our planning, and the standard against which we measure our accomplishments


Mission Statement


Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A. is the U.S. Grand Lodge (National Section) of Ordo Templi Orientis, a hierarchical, religious membership organization. Our mission is to effect and promote the doctrines and practices of the philosophical and religious system known as Thelema, with particular emphasis on cultivating the ideals of individual liberty, self-discipline, self-knowledge, and universal brotherhood. To this end, we conduct sacramental and initiatory rites, offer guidance and instruction to our members, organize social events, and engage in educational and community service activities at locations throughout the United States.

Program Synopsis


The Program Synopsis is a more detailed examination of the purposes of O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge, and is based on an analysis of O.T.O.’s foundational documents (Books 52101, 161 and 194; Khabs Am Pekht; the Ramaka Prospectus; and the Constitutions of 1913 and 1917). It is essentially a more detailed version of the Mission Statement. Read More Here...

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